Programming as teaching

Feb 3, 2020

Most programming uses an approach that we might call programming as carpentry. We start with some idea of an artifact we want to build. We analyze the idea into a set of needed parts. We set to work on our workbench to craft the needed parts and assemble them into a finished product, then we examine and measure the result to determine how close we came to our goal.

Next we repeat the process to correct details that have fallen short of what we want, either because we made mistakes in construction, or because our original plan was wrong in some way.

There’s a different way to approach programming. We might call it programming as teaching. In this approach, we begin by starting up a runtime that already knows how to be a working program; it just doesn’t know how to be our particular application. By talking to the runtime interactively, we incrementally teach it the features we need it to have. When it knows how to provide all those features, we’re done. We can save the accumulated changes to an artifact, and that artifact becomes our product.

It’s less like nailing together an artifact on a workbench, and more like teaching a student a new set of skills.

Programming as carpentry is far better known and more widely used than programming as teaching. I’d venture to say that most programmers aren’t even aware that programming as teaching is an option. That’s a shame, I think, because for some people it’s a better option.

I don’t claim that the teaching paradigm is absolutely and objectively better. I claim only that it’s better for some people. Take me, for example: programming as teaching makes me much happier, faster, and more productive in my work.

I’m not the only one. There are many other programmers who prefer the teaching paradigm. The reason it’s an obscure minority paradigm is that there are even more programmers—vastly more—who are familiar with programming as carpentry.

The fact that most programmers don’t seem to even know that the teaching paradigm exists suggests to me that if it were more widely known, then more people would use it. What are the odds that everyone who prefers the obscure paradigm is already using it, when most people don’t know it exists?

In some sense, it doesn’t matter. The great majority of software is developed in the carpentry paradigm, and the industry prospers. Is it really important to evangelize a different paradigm? Probably not, at least for the sake of the industry as a whole.

On the other hand, I think it is important for the sake of us as programmers. If I hadn’t been exposed to programming as teaching, I probably never would have known how happy and productive I can be in my work. A world in which I know about the teaching paradigm is a better world, at least for me. If there are other programmers who would prefer the teaching paradigm, and who don’t know about it, then there’s a better world awaiting them. All they need is to find out about it.

So if programming as teaching is such a great idea—even if it’s only great for a minority of programmers—why isn’t it better known? I think it’s because programming as teaching requires some tools over and above what programming as carpentry requires. You have to expend extra work to make those tools available, and you have to know about them before you can decide to do that.

You can build a solid carpentry workbench without knowing anything about the teaching paradigm. The reverse isn’t true. A good programming-as-teaching system is going to need all the tools of the carpentry workbench. It’s going to need parsers and data structures and code-walkers and code generators. It’s going to need file I/O and performance tools and debuggers, and so forth. It’s going to need all that stuff, but it’s going to need some other stuff, too.

Programming as teaching means starting the application running before it’s defined, then defining and redefining features while it runs. It means inspecting the contents of its memory, stopping control structures in the middle of executing, and inspecting and changing and redefining their dynamic context. It means updating the definitions of functions that are pending on the stack and of datatypes that are used by existing instances, and relying on the application to keep working reasonably while you’re tinkering around in its guts.

All of those features require substantial runtime support, and if you want it to work well, the runtime needs to be designed from the start to support it.

Smalltalk systems have thorough support for that kind of programming. So do Common Lisp and other old-fashioned Lisp systems. Outside Smalltalk and Common Lisp and, to some extent FORTH systems, there aren’t many development systems with the full suite of programming-as-teaching features.

Some of these features exist in some form in modern programming-as-carpentry systems, but they don’t amount to a programming-as-teaching system. To build a working programming-as-teaching system, you need to design the whole runtime from the ground up to support it. Let me give you an example of what I mean.

The ANSI Common Lisp standard defines a generic function named UPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-REDEFINED-CLASS. When the runtime detects a value whose class has been redefined since it was instantiated, it automatically calls this function to restructure the value so that it conforms to the new definition. In effect, it retroactively makes the value an instance of the new definition instead of the old one.

You can specialize UPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-REDEFINED-CLASS to correctly reinitialize instances to conform to their new definitions. If you don’t, then the runtime drops you into an interactive session in which you can provide the new initialization interactively. You can then resume execution and the affected value behaves as if it was originally instantiated from the updated definition.

If you’re coming from programming-as-carpentry, you might reasonably wonder why you would ever want a function like that at all, much less why you would want it to be part of a language standard. But Common Lisp was designed by experienced Lisp users and implementors. They were steeped in the practice of programming as teaching (though they didn’t call it that; they just called it “programming”).

To the designers of Common Lisp, the normal way of developing a program was to start the Lisp and then teach it, definition by definition, how to be the program they wanted. They wouldn’t expect to have to restart their Lisp just because they redefined something; that’s silly. Redefining things was nearly all they did! No, their expectation was that you redefine things and keep going. It’s the job of the runtime to adapt in a reasonable way to the changes that you tell it about. It’s also the job of the runtime to ask you for help when it doesn’t know what to do.

UPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-REDEFINED-CLASS is one element of a whole standard protocol defined by ANSI Common Lisp for changing and redefining things while the program you’re developing continues to run. The standard describes facilities for defining classes and functions, updating bindings, catching errors by dropping into an interactive session where you can inspect and change everything about the dynamic environment, then tell the function where the error occurred to resume execution with the new definitions, and generally for accomplishing every aspect of building and deploying a program through an interactive conversation with the running program itself.

Smalltalk systems have the same kind of design.

This kind of development environment is a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. To get it, you have to design the language and runtime from the start to support it. You can’t convert a carpentry system to a teaching system by patching in one feature at a time.

Very few development toolchains support the full suite of programming-as-teaching features. Most of the ones that do have been around for a long time. Newer languages and runtimes are mostly designed without any knowledge or understanding of the whole-system programming paradigm that is embodied in old Lisp and Smalltalk systems. Even some newer Lisps have been designed without that understanding.

I worry sometimes that programming-as-teaching is fading away, and I feel sad that my favorite paradigm might someday disappear altogether.

I don’t think that if it does it’ll be the end of software development, or anything apocalyptic like that. I do think that I’ll miss it when it’s gone, and I think it’ll be sad if new generations of programmers never have the opportunity to experience it.

There’s something magical about gradually turning a program into the application you want by talking to it while it runs. For some fraction of programmers, it’s the best way of working. I’d hate to lose it.